April 22, 2009

Sometimes life just gets in the way...

WoW! It's been awhile. I guess i've been here....just not here. What have I been up to? Well, working and taking care of life's little obstacles. I left school on a thursday, interviewed for a job on a friday, hired that same day & on the spot, and started working the following friday. I picked up a job wearing this little number. Yep, that would be a pink chef hat. I really don't want to give out specifics on my workplace, but I am the morning baker for a place that specializes in cupcakes baked from scratch. My hours start at 3 a.m., so all I've been doing with my time is throwing some quick meal together ( read: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches) and passing out. I was finally getting used to the schedule and started planning some blog posts, but my vehicle decided it needed a new transmission. Now we are back to peanut butter and jelly and whatever is in the fridge. Booooo. Sometimes life gives you lemons, so you make lemonade...or lemon buerre blanc. It's not all bad. I have a few things planned such as enchiladas, a tigger & pooh birthday cake, and a giveaway that I am just waiting to find the right (write) time to post.


The Duo Dishes said...

We had just found your site right before you disappeared for a bit, so we were wondering when you'd be cooking again. Congrats on the job! That's great for you.

Jenn said...

Congrats on the new job!! I love the pink chefs hate. I will be patiently for your new posts.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you! And congrats on a job! I can't wait for your new posts!

Angie's Recipes said...

Oh, now you have less time to blog....but do keep us updated from time to time.

Best Regards,

Rico said...

Gratz on the new job well deserved, life IRL is more important.. cheers :) xx Rico-Recipes


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