Ownage (n.) The act of being disgraced or generally dominated by an unholy force. Often results in ego deflation and sometimes emotional scarring.
As I scroll through people's blogs and drool at their gastronomic creations, I find myself questioning my abilities to cook. How is it that all of these bloggers are able to create such beautiful, tasty dishes every time? Trying out new recipes does not end well for me sometimes. Take tonight for example. I was looking through my cabinets and I found my Mickey waffle iron. I purchased it right before my Disney internship. (Yes, I'm a dork) I hadn't used it in about a year, so I definitely had to try it out. I tried a recipe for cornmeal waffles. I've never made cornmeal waffles before, so I was excited to try them out. I heat up the waffle iron and greased it. I poured in the batter and closed the lid. I walked back and forth from my living room to kitchen waiting for it to be done. I was too excited. I needed those waffles. After some time, I was finally able to lift up the lid. It was so beautiful. Perfectly browned and steaming. Oh boy, come to mama! I lifted it out......and it started to crumble. Doh!
Tried it a second time and left it longer. Doh!
I still enjoyed the crumbs tho. A sprinkle of cinnamon and a drizzle of eucalyptus honey and things were okay.....for a moment.
Oh honey I "ownage" all the time! Seriously, I do try to put up my "failures" on my blog (that bean soup that NO ONE ate, my attempt at Habanero poppers), but I have a sneaking suspicion that most folks don't even bother to post their horror stories. And those waffles would have been so cute if they hadn't crumbled! Did they at least taste good?
LOL, I just love this post, I have learned a new word for all my kitchen blunders! I tell you, you are not alone :) Veronica I would like to invite you to Foodista.com - the cooking encyclopedia everyone can edit. We have lots of easy recipes you can try, so do check us out. Would also love a link to this post from our site.(This will direct Foodista readers to your blog)Here's how you can create inbound links from our site Check it out here. This is a great way for you to build blog traffic and connect with other food lovers! i know a lot of Foodista readers will also enjoy your post! Also feel free to share your recipes and tips with us!Thanks! - Alisa
Well I can tell the truth and that is that my food rarely looks good enough to blog about - I just manage to do the odd one which isn't as bad as the rest, and blog about that one instead!
Scott: I hear ya on that one.If I want to do a post, I always have to think about how I want it to look in the end. All that planning takes up a lot of time tho and don't want to go through all that. :P So my food doesn't always look that great. Btw, your photos are beautiful!
I looks a shambles, however if I may say it still looks delicious, sometimes looks are deceiving. And sometimes is about knowing it tastes nice saving the disaster and rearranging it to look like was intended.. lol so no one notices that had gone wrong. :) well done I appreciate honesty
Ricardo: haha..masking is my specialty
Prior to being diagnosed with celiac disease I had very few disasters and failures while cooking.
Then I had to go gluten-free and cooking owned me big time.
I think the worst for me was the sad attempt at making a homemade gluten-free chicken pot pie. *shudders*
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